Executive Function(s) are a set of skills like time management, initiating tasks, and organization. There are others and this assessment will gauge your strength and challenge areas by working on strategies in each of the 12 areas.
This package includes the assessment + 2 one/one sessions
ASRS (Adult Self-Reporting Scale) form is widely used by physicians to assist with the diagnosing of ADHD. *please note this is not a diagnosis
This package includes
- the assessment, +1- one/one session, and a physician followup letter
(C$ 0.00 shipping)
This is the first of several workbooks for people want to start out with doing the work themselves. See the options:
1. Workbook only - $49
2. Workbook-self-directed and 2 one/one sessions - $199
3. Complete the workbook with your coach, 4 one/one sessions - $399
In the ADHD community we struggle with being heard, communicating our stories and opinions, and listening fully during conversations. This workbook and followup session(s) are meant to sort it out with you and build new pathways for better communication.
1. Workbook only - $49
2. Workbook, + 2 one/one sessions - $199
3. Complete the workbook with your coach,4one/one sessions - $399